User:GerardM/Prime Ministers of the Comoros

This list is not ready for use on Wikipedia because a Prime Minister of the Comoros who was Prime Minister twice does not show twice.

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Article description Country Start date End date Image
Nourdine Bourhane Comoros
Said Ibrahim Ben Ali Furhwa
Ibrahim Halidi Comoros
Abdallah Mohamed Comoros
Ahmed Ben Cheikh Attoumane Comoros
Said Mohamed Cheikh Furhwa
Abbas Djoussouf Comoros
Caabi El-Yachroutu Mohamed Comoros
Tadjidine Ben Said Massounde Comoros
Bianrifi Tarmidi Comoros
Salim Ben Ali Comoros
Ahmed Abdou Comoros
Ali Mroudjaé Comoros
Hamada Madi Comoros 2000-11-29 2002-04-15
End of auto-generated list.